170 news paper

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170 news paper

Post by ghostflyer »

Well my 170 news paper turned up today and there must be people in the postal service that like 170 ,s also . The newspaper was dog eared and had coffee stains on it again . BUt it was one of the best written so far with great stories and articles. and great photos also . This one is going to be hard to beat. Jim Yates has one very pretty aeroplane . Being blue it must be fast also . Well done . Is it possible to have our newspaper delivered in a plastic bag or similar as they do do a lot of travelling and pass a lot of hands . I am willing to pay any extra . I am not the only one that reads my 170 news . After I have finished reading it then sits on the coffee table at work and a number of people read it and we have had a couple issues walk out the door with clients .
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Bruce Fenstermacher
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Re: 170 news paper

Post by Bruce Fenstermacher »

That is a poly bag and there is additional cost. The problem is it is not hand done one or two at a time. Nothing is. So there is a large cost for one because of the set up and special handling. But if you poly bagged several thousand the setup is spread out.

We don't print several thousand to begin with so the cost is higher from the start. At one time there where various methods deployed in the delivery of our news to try to keep it more intact. As cost of printing went up the additional expense was dropped.

You see, we actually rarely get any feed back positive or negative on delivery. So we didn't know if the extra expense was worth it. And since dropping it, surprise, little feed back it's not working.

We appreciate the nice words. Yes if is nice to have material to put out a publication. The convention issue there are so many people corralled into writing something. Lack of suitable material is a huge problem.

I will ask Jan to look at the possibility and cost of the poly bag, at least to our international members. Of course the board ultimately approves expenses.
CAUTION - My forum posts may be worth what you paid for them!

Bruce Fenstermacher, Past President, TIC170A
Email: brucefenster at gmail.com
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